Last Day

Well kids, the last day of the residency continued with a pretty nasty, steady wind all day long.  And in the morning it even rained which made it a chilling experience.  At Camel Rock, I even idled the car, blasting the heat and using the heated seats to warm up. But, I did manage to paint in some details on a painting.
I then made a 17 mile loop to Superior, an old turn of the 20th Century mining town.  In the Union Hall restoration building/exhibit, there was some information on the "Coral" and "Ice Cave'" formations which might be worth an exploration if any of us make a return trip to the region.
Aya and I did a return trip to the wonderful Seedskadee Refuge, spotting a Moose and possibly some Sage Grouse.  We enjoyed an ice cream at the Farsom Mercantile on the way back where we packed up for the journey back to WI.


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